"Dimethyl Sulfoxide" (DMSO) is an organosulfur compound extracted from wood pulp, widely used for its solvent properties and biological permeability. Through its interaction with cellular membranes, it enhances molecular transport and absorption processes. DMSO also participates in oxidative pathways that influence cellular repair and metabolic adaptation. Moreover, it takes part in enzymatic reactions linked to inflammatory modulation. With its unique molecular behavior, DMSO continues to be explored for diverse physiological and therapeutic applications.
Functions in the Body
Deficiency Symptoms
It does not present with deficiency symptoms.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Individuals using DMSO should exercise caution, as it can carry impurities from the skin into the bloodstream. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid using DMSO due to limited safety data. Additionally, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially for those with existing medical conditions or on medications.
Food Sources
DMSO is not found in food sources.
Time Frame
DMSO can be applied topically as needed.
Depleted By
DMSO does not get depleted in the body as it is not an essential nutrient.