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Get Healthy ~ Stay Healthy



"Boron" is a trace mineral naturally present in soil and found in foods such as nuts, legumes, and leafy greens. It aids in mineral metabolism, interacting with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to influence structural integrity and enzymatic processes. This element also engages with biological pathways linked to hormone activity, neurological function, and metabolic regulation. Its involvement in enzymatic reactions supports physiological adaptation. Widely distributed in dietary sources, boron remains essential in mineral-based nutrition.

"Boron" is a trace mineral naturally present in soil and found in foods such as nuts, legumes, and leafy greens. It aids in mineral metabolism, interacting with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to influence structural integrity and enzymatic processes. This element also engages with biological pathways linked to hormone activity, neurological function, and metabolic regulation. Its involvement in enzymatic reactions supports physiological adaptation. Widely distributed in dietary sources, boron remains essential in mineral-based nutrition.

Functions in the Body


Deficiency Symptoms

A deficiency in boron may lead to loss of focus and lowered bone strength, as it plays a role in brain and bone health.

Synergists & Antagonists

Boron is often combined with calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc for bone and hormone health. Excessive calcium intake may reduce its effectiveness.

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Boron should not be consumed in the form of sodium borate or boric acid, as these forms can be toxic. Excessive intake may disrupt hormone balance, so moderation is advised.

Food Sources

Rich food sources of boron include raisins, almonds, peanut butter, Brazil nuts, walnuts, prunes, dates, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, and kale.

Time Frame

Boron is best taken with food to support its absorption and function in the body.

Depleted By

Boron levels can be depleted by a poor diet, particularly one lacking in plant-based foods.

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