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The Present Moment: Understanding Its Relationship with the Past and Future

Updated: Mar 4

"The past has no power over the present moment.”Eckhart Tolle



The present moment is the only authentic point in time that we can fully experience. Nonetheless, our unaware minds tend to dwell on past memories or create future projections while ignoring the present. They create a distorted reality that distracts from what is essential to living a fulfilling life. By embracing the present moment with clarity and realism, we can break free from delusional patterns and live more honestly.

The Present Moment: The Only Reality

“The present moment is all you ever have. There is never a time when your life is not 'this moment."[1]

The present moment defines our reality. We only experience the here and now in true time. Our 'live' broadcast has a direct influence on our existence. In contrast, our minds use mental constructs to represent the past and future. They are produced as memories or expectations meant to take our focus from the here and now. Being completely present requires awareness of the present moment and keeping the mind from straying from it—through memories of the past or projections of the future.

How the Past Influences the Present

Even though the past diverts our attention from the present, it nevertheless influences how we perceive the now. Experiences shape who we are as people[2]. We can be significantly impacted in the here and now by the imprints that our pasts leave on our lives, feelings, and perspectives. This influence frequently impairs our awareness of the here and now, which affects how we interpret our experiences, process emotions, and recall memories[3].

  • Memories as Mental Constructs: The past lives in our minds as recollections, shaped by personal experiences and perceptions[4]. Although they offer valuable lessons and context, holding onto them too tightly can obscure the present moment.

  • Emotional Residue: Feelings from the past, like guilt or regret, can often determine the choices and actions we take today.

  • Constructive vs. Destructive Reflection: The way we engage with the past determines its impact. Healthy reflection on the past fosters growth, while excessive rumination can lead to stagnation and stress.

The Future: A Projection of the Mind

As with the past, the present can be entangled with the future. Although it's rather common to make travel or event plans ahead of time, obsessing over, predicting, or emotionally sensing future events will encourage our attention to stray away from the present moment[5]. In the context of the future, the most common distractions take the form of:

  • Dreams and Delusions: The future is frequently feared as the worst-case scenario or envisioned as an idealized dream. Either way, it keeps us disengaged from our here and now.

  • The Trap of Anticipation: We are unable to interact with the present when we are constantly contemplating the future, whether out of fear or hope.

  • Balanced Planning: Although planning is essential, it shouldn't come at the expense of mindfulness and presence.

Research indicates that while anticipating future events can enhance well-being, focusing too much on them can lead to anxiety and decrease present-moment engagement[6][7]. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between mindfulness practices and future planning to maintain overall mental health.

Optimism and Pessimism: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Optimism and pessimism are not opposing mindsets but rather two manifestations of the same illusion. Both distort reality by replacing direct experience with anticipated expectations.

They are concerned with the future and create projections of what may come that pull us out of the present.

Optimism assumes that events will unfold according to our predictions, generating expectations that might not be realistic[11][12]. People who identify as optimists are hopeful about outcomes and the future. They do not assess their decisions and the steps they take with realism and always expect favorable results. That may lead to disappointment if their envisioned reality does not come true. The optimist is not let down by life itself but by their imagined version of it.

Pessimism operates in a similar manner, though in the opposite direction. Pessimistic individuals build negative expectations towards their future that very often assume worst-case scenarios[11][12]. They do not assess their current moment with realism but with fear. When their fears are confirmed, they see it as validation, and when they are proven wrong, they have already suffered in anticipation.

In the end, the anticipatory nature of these two mindsets asks for a middle ground, such as realism, to provide balance and reason that allows us to fully experience the present moment.

Realism: Accepting the Present Without Bias

"Imagine how it might feel to suspend all your judging and instead to let each moment be just as it is, without attempting to evaluate it as "good" or "bad"."[8]

A realistic approach to the here and now involves no anticipation of the future. It solely focuses on accepting the moment as it is. It assumes a fully aware and non-judgmental way of looking at events as they unfold. The important element is not assigning them any negative or positive value (or measuring them by how useful or not useful they appear to be). This lack of judgmental bias enables us to avoid emotional reactions. Instead, it allows us to recognize and address what is currently happening.

It is important to understand that our emotions do not stand in the way of acknowledging the present moment[9][10]. We ought to accept them as they arise without repressing or identifying with them, as this would result in bias.

Practical Strategies to Anchor in the Present

To fully experience our existence and the life we live, we need to commit to paying attention to the present. Strategies and practices that allow us to train our minds are great tools to use on an everyday basis.

  • Practice mindfulness through meditation or focused breathing to heighten awareness of the now.

  • Let go of past regrets and future anxieties by acknowledging their mental nature.

  • Cultivate gratitude to remain grounded in the present moment.

  • Engage in activities that require your complete attention, such as creative pursuits or physical exercise.

These strategies can be very effective provided that they are carried out consistently and with full commitment. See a therapist or counselor, though, if even with your best efforts you find it difficult to let go of past or future worries. Extended anxiety or depression could call for expert assistance.

Final Thoughts

Living in the present is the key to leading a joyful and healthy life. It is the only timeline in which we can live our lives and make decisions about how they will unfold. By staying present, we refuse to travel to the realms of the past (memories) or the future (projections and anticipation). Committing to being and living in the now, we choose realism, which is a path free from the biases of optimism or pessimism, enabling clarity and inner peace. Through mindfulness and intentionality, we can embrace the only reality we truly have—the present.

Takeaway Points

  • The only reality we experience is the here and now, despite our minds trying to trap us in the memories of the past and anticipations of the future.

  • The past influences reality through our emotions and perceptions. Memories and unresolved feelings are distractions from engaging with the now.

  • Thinking about the future disengages us from the present moment. Constant anticipation and projection of what might come may lead to disappointment.

  • Both optimism and pessimism focus on the future. They distort our perception of reality and the current moment.

  • A realistic, non-judgmental approach to the present moment fosters acceptance for the events that take place in real time.


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